

Glen Purdam (Class of 2005) shares footage of the 2019-20 Black Summer Fires

Posted 27 Oct, 2020

The 2019-20 Black Summer Fires was extremely challenging. Glen has been very proud to have been able to assist during such a disastrous summer as a pilot working with the Fred Fahey Aerial Services.

The 2019-20 Black Summer Fires was extremely challenging. Glen Purdam (Class of 2005) has been very proud to have been able to assist during such a disastrous summer as a pilot working with the Fred Fahey Aerial Services. The company have been proudly protecting the NSW community since 1979.

View the footage here

The video has been shot and edited by Glen who shared, “we had some wonderful success stories with property and lives saved. We witnessed tragedy when what we could do wasn’t enough. It was a pleasure to be able to fly on the Orraral Valley fire, flying over Canberra where I grew up. Of the assets we were able to put phos-check around only one was lost. It’s been our pleasure to serve our community during these emergencies.”

Thank you Glen for sharing this incredible footage and our condolences to the Fahey family for their loss.

Glen currently resides in Norway with his fiancé and daughter.

Where are you now?