P&F Art Show 2018 – Prize winners
P&F Art Show 2018 – Prize winners
The Collegians Association sponsored a number of prizes including First Prize - The Jonquil Mackey Award to honour the memory of Radford's much loved teacher whose passion for the art of photography imbued her teaching. She inspired the same passion in her students which was also on display at the show.

Congratulations to all the participants in the 34th P&F Art Show, another instalment in a highly regarded creative tradition. The successful 2018 Art Show ran from 18–20 May.
The Collegians Association sponsored a number of prizes including First Prize – The Jonquil Mackey Award to honour the memory of Radford’s much loved teacher whose passion for the art of photography imbued her teaching. She inspired the same passion in her students which was also on display at the show.
The judge and guest of honour was Justine van Mourik, Director, Parliament House Art Collection. We would like to thank Justine van Mourik for judging with wisdom and insight.
Congratulations to Mark Redzic, winner of the Jonquil Mackey Award ($1,500) for best exhibit at the show, for his work – Morning Fog.
The Radford Collegians Student Artist Award ($500 art supplies):
Lara Franks, Castle.
The Collegian Artist Award:
Ben Landau, One of a Kind
Perm-A-Pleat Art Critic Award 2018 (Highly Commended):
Kylie Fogarty, Beyond Daybreak
People’s Choice Award: Andrew Smith, Autumn Stroll
Alongside the Radford Art Show, the Radford Collegians awarded a Student Mentor Award to a senior creative arts student whose work was on display or for sale at the Art Show. Students were also required to submit an expression of interest for this process. Dean Cross (Artist) awarded this to Lara Franks for her image Domestica. Lara will have the opportunity to work with Dean over the course of the year.
Dean will also be speaking to senior visual arts and photography students next term.
Related Collegians
Ben Landau
Dean Cross