
Mrs Margaret Brennan returns to Radford College to open the Engine Room

Mrs Margaret Brennan returns to Radford College to open the Engine Room

Posted 21 Sep, 2023

A generous donation to the Radford Foundation by the late Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Brennan (ANU), his wife Margaret (ex-Radford Staff) and their children, made the fit out of the Engine Room possible.

Mrs Margaret Brennan joined the Mathematics Department at Radford College during 1986 as a replacement for a member of staff on leave before becoming a permanent member of staff in 1987. Since those early days the only break in service Margaret took was in 1997 when she spent a year in the United States with her family.

After many years of loyal service to Radford, Margaret decided to call it a day in 2002.

Margaret’s personality endeared her to both staff and students alike. Her enthusiasm for Mathematics and its teaching, her friendly and polite nature and the consideration she showed all around her made her a delight to work with.

Michael Leuthwaite, Head of Mathematics at the time shared “as a colleague, Margaret’s ready smile and bright personality made working in the Mathematics Department a pleasure. We will miss her positive and bright presence and wish her well in the future, be spending time in the garden or travelling around the world!”. 

Margaret’s three children attended Radford – Michael (Class 1989), Philip (Class 1998) and Robyn (Class 1999).

Tuesday 19 September, 21 years later, Margaret returned to the College to celebrate the opening of the Junior School’s dedicated therapy space The Engine Room.

This room was thanks to the generous donation to the Radford Foundation by the late Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Brennan (ANU), his wife Margaret and their children.

Foundation Chair, Alistair Coe (Class 2001) thanked the Brennan family, represented by Margaret and daughter Susan and Margaret’s niece Christine Stocks (also an ex-Radford teacher between 1999-2002). Christine’s sons – Ryan (Class 2018) and David (Class 2021) also attended Radford.

Acting Principal, Andy Gordon explained the importance of the new facility.

“This is more than a space. More than a donation… a gift. More than a place for therapy. More than an idea. This is hope. This is inclusivity. This is equity. This allows all learners opportunities for their best life outcomes. This is love”. 

Margaret addressed the Year 2 students, who had entertained the audience with a self-choreographed dance performance, telling them of her and her late husband’s long-time interest in helping to support students who needed extra assistance with their learning.


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