Farewell Richard Wardman, Sally Godtschalk, Alan Lee, Lisa Clarke and Emily Campbell
Farewell Richard Wardman, Sally Godtschalk, Alan Lee, Lisa Clarke and Emily Campbell
Several long serving staff (and honorary Collegians) left Radford at the end of 2018: Richard Wardman, Sally Godtschalk, Alan Lee, Lisa Clarke and Emily Campbell.

Several long serving staff (and honorary Collegians) left Radford at the end of 2018: Richard Wardman, Sally Godtschalk, Alan Lee, Lisa Clarke and Emily Campbell. Richard is currently the equal longest serving staff member of all time with Boyd Gibson. Dylan Mordike (the only person who can boast the same length of continuous affiliation with the college) penned his farewell speech and struggled to summarise his contribution, pointing to four of his guiding principles: respect, passion, innovation and a belief that education can happen anywhere. In relation to the latter, Dylan described Richard’s role in establishing the Year 9 camp program as an “amazing legacy” for the 4,500 students who participated over the years before offering his own personal anecdote:
In terms of the Big History of Richard Wardman, he arrived at the school at just the right time. In terms of my own personal history, Richard, you were one year too late. My Year 9 camp experience was a week at the sport and rec in Jindabyne. A very tame affair. My sister got to go on the Outward Bound program two years later. She was a ballet dancer and I remember her abject horror at the possibility of there being ants out on the course. There is no doubt in my mind that the adventure changed her outlook on life. She joined the Army where she is still serving today. Such are the ripples that go through a community when inspirational people are heeded.
Kate Wales and Jessica Nelson jointly took on the task of saying goodbye to Sally Godstschalk after more than 12 years in the Radford College Special Needs Department. They offered a matching dozen of reflections from staff and former students including a touching tribute from Bec Manton. We heard about her approach to fellow staff ‘I love Sally’s collegiality. She fits in wherever she goes – I think she’s an honorary member of every department in the school!’ and students ‘I’ve admired her tough love approach. She supports the kids but doesn’t let them off easily – she encourages resilience and pushes them to embrace challenge, whether it’s on a tough hike or working through a maths problem.’ Sally is moving on to become and education consultant focused on improving executive function.
Alan Lee leaves Radford after 35 years in education, the last 21 of which he has spent at the college apart from a short stint on exchange in Canada. Alan was a senior tutor in 16 of those years and has been one of the resident photographers on staff, boasting a large collection of photographs around the school and in other publications. His friendship will be missed by staff and students alike.
Emily Campbell, who has been a much loved teacher at Radford for 11 years, is also leaving us. Emily is taking up a position at The Anglican School Googong, just down the road from her new home. Dean O’Brien gave a heartfelt farewell speech.
Lisa Clarke’s farewell tribute took a slightly different turn with the Early Learning Centre staff composing a song to the tune of ABBAs Mamma Mia. While we have not been able to source a recording for your listening pleasure, the composition has been reproduced in full below.
Collegians would like to wish these amazing teachers all the best as they start their new adventures and thank them all for their support, encouragement and dedication for 10 years or more!
We been treated by you since we don’t know when So we made up our mind, we should treat you again Look at us know will we ever learn? We don’t know how we can do without you There’s a passion within your soul Lisa teaching has become your dream Lisa grammar is the place to be Lovely Lisa here we go again My my, how we could we resist you? Lovely Lisa you will glow again My My just how we will miss you Yes we’ve been broken hearted Friends since the day we started Why why did we ever let you go? Lovely Lisa now we really know Lisa why we ever let you go We’ve been happy and glad ‘bout the things that you’ve (F) done We can’t count all the times that you’ve straightened your hair And when you go put your lip gloss on We think you’ll be good to head out the door You can count on us to be strong There’s a passion within your soul Lisa teaching has become your game Lisa now you have made the grade Lovely Lisa, here we go again My my how can we resist you? Lovely Lisa you will glow again My My just how we’ll miss you Yes we’ve been broken hearted Friends since the day we started Why, why did we ever let you go? Lovely Lisa, even if we say Bye bye, leave us now and for ever Lovely Lisa, it’s a game we play Bye bye doesn’t mean forever.
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Richard Wardman