Farewell and Good Luck Annie Jones!
Farewell and Good Luck Annie Jones!
Annie has been a working at Radford since October 2005. She’s held many positions in that time from working with the Collegians, Communications team, across different Reception areas, though the majority of staff would know her from the Bookroom in managing stationery and textbooks as part of the LIS team.

Annie has been a working at Radford since October 2005. She’s held many positions in that time from working with the Collegians, Communications team, across different Reception areas, though the majority of staff would know her from the Bookroom in managing stationery and textbooks as part of the LIS team.
Annie is prepared for all the complexities that her job brings, as people often need you know – that thing – last minute and takes it in her stride.
She always works with integrity, has a meticulous attention to detail, and works hard to ensure that things are ready to go.
She’s unfailingly professional when dealing with the inevitable push back of parents who refute the assertation that their child has damaged a textbook, even when said child was the only person to borrow it.
Since taking over the Bookroom upon her predecessor’s retirement, Annie has implemented many changes to drag the practices in to the 21 Century (the typewriter got the heave ho!) She’s overseen a major shift of textbooks and stationery being across different places on and off campus, and the organising the Bookroom as we know it today.
Radford was lucky to benefit from Annie’s talent for all these years. She moves to a data entry position with Defence, where parent emails will become a thing of the past and will leave her more room for her Yoga and time with the grandchildren. We wish her well and farewell Annie!