Notice of General Meeting of Members
February 09 08:30am – 09:30am
Notice is given that a meeting of the members of the Association will be held at 8:30 am on 9 February 2023 on Microsoft Teams accessible via the following link:
- Click here to join the meeting
- Meeting ID: 436 239 850 752
- Passcode: vSsh5P
The meeting is convened for the purpose of considering, and if thought fit, passing the following resolutions:
Special Resolution
A) “That the Association be wound up voluntarily by way of a members’ voluntary winding up and that Michael Slaven of Slaven Torline be appointed as Liquidator of the Association.”
Ordinary Resolutions
B) “That the remuneration of the Liquidator for the periods both prior to formal appointment and for conducting the liquidation of the Association be determined at a sum equal to the cost of time spent by the Liquidator and his partner and staff as approved by the Committee.”
C) “That the members direct the Liquidator to apply to Access Canberra when appropriate or upon finalisation of the liquidation for consent to destroy books within the retention period.”
If you wish to be represented at the meeting but are unable to attend you may, pursuant to rule 35 of the Radford Collegians Rules, appoint another member as your proxy. An Appointment of Proxy form is linked here for this purpose and must be returned to the Secretary via email to cate.mcdonald@radford.act.edu.au by 8:30 am on 8 February 2023.