Collegians Annual General Meeting
October 28 08:15am – 08:45am
The Radford Collegians Association will hold their Annual General Meeting on Friday, 28 October 2022.
The Radford Collegians Association is about building a community that seeks to connect Collegians’ to each other and to the College. The Collegians are committed to delivering on the following three core pillars:.
Community & Social – Staying connected and proactive is a priority for the Radford Collegians. We host a number of community initiatives throughout the year.
Business & Career – Becoming a Radford Collegian provides individuals with greater opportunity, choice, and flexibility in the working world.
Giving Back – Opportunities to sponsor, fundraise and student mentoring options are available.
The Radford Collegians Association Incorporated
TAKE NOTICE that the Annual General Meeting of the Association will be conducted on
Friday 28 October 2022 from 8:15am
Radford College Boardroom, 1 College Street, Bruce ACT and
virtually via Microsoft Teams
- Welcome, apologies, and declaration of quorum
- Presentation of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting that the Association conducted on 29 October 2021
- Presentation of the Presidents report
- Presentation of the audited financial statements of the Association for the financial year ended on 30 June 2022
- Appointment of the auditor
- Election of members of the Collegians Committee
- Close
Nominations to the Collegian Committee:
Nominations of persons to the Collegian Committee of the Association must be made on the nomination form and received by the Secretary no later than 4pm on Monday 24 October 2022.
Please email collegians@radford.act.edu.au for a Nomination Form and virtual link to join the meeting.