Congratulations on a new role, Sara Vassallo!
Congratulations on a new role, Sara Vassallo!
Another staff member who has decided for a change is Sara Vassallo. Sara spent the last 5 years at the Radford fulfilling numerous roles and has made a great contribution to the College and the entire Radford community.
Sara will be dearly missed at the school. However, we are not saying our goodbye, as Collegians are very fortunate to have Sara as a member of the Committee. We thank her for her hard work and dedication and wish a good luck in her new role.

Another staff member who has decided for a change is Sara Vassallo. Sara spent the last 5 years at the Radford fulfilling numerous roles and has made a great contribution to the College and the entire Radford community.
The subjects Sara taught within Years 7-12 were Psychology, Science, Geography, Religious and Values Education, and Big History. She was also the Acting Director of Service Learning in Term 2 & 3 in 2019.
In addition to this, Sara was involved in the following special duties:
- Year 7 Tutor
- Debating Manager
- Service Learning – Radford Awareness and Service (RAS) and Dirrum Dirrum Festival (2019-2021) Gamilaraay Service-Learning Trips G17, G18, G21, G25
- Myall Creek Service-Learning Trip M5
- Year 7 Camp
- Year 8 Camp
- Year 9 Camp
- Year 7/8 Central Australia Tour
- Year 10-12 History of Science European Tour
Sara will be dearly missed at the school. However, we are not saying our goodbye, as Collegians are very fortunate to have Sara as a member of the Committee. We thank her for her hard work and dedication and wish a good luck in her new role.