Life beyond Radford

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Last updated 12.02.2021

Ross King

Class of 1996
OCCUPATION IT Account Executive
Lives Canberra, Australia
Attendance at radford Years 7-12
House Jarrah
Work history
  • Sr Account Executive, OneTrust, 2020-Present
  • Specialist Sales Executive
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What does life look for you now?

Married with 2 young boys who attend Radford. Working in Canberra helping organinsations become more trusted and transparent with regard to personal data protection. Love my weekends mountain biking and fishing with my family and catching up with life long friends from my time at Radford, among other I have met along my journey.

Tell us what you are passionate about?

I am passionate about my family. They hold me together and I love getting out and experiencing life at the coast, on mountain bikes and in our boat fishing. I know they have my back. I'm also passionate about building and maintaining my network of not just close friends, but other genuine and great humans.

When you were young, what were you hoping to be when you grew up?

I wanted to go into the Air Force and be an Airfield Defence Guard. Second to that a police officer in the Forensics division. Things didn't pan out that way. Really, I had no idea of what I definately wanted to do or be. I was just trying to get through school and work it out later.

What is your favourite Radford moment?

Friends were, and still are my favourite part of Radford. Whether that be sport, lunch time shinanigans, or coordinated activities like Year 9 camp. It was the friends that made it work.

Do you have a particular role model or inspirational figure from Radford or now?

I was always in awe of my friends who were really good at sport. I loved sport. Outside of Radford I love reading and getting inspired by successful people and their stories like Richard Branson, Bill Gates, and US Navy Admril William McRaven (youtube him). And lets not dismiss or forget all the people that consider others before themselves.

How easy was it to decide what to do in life?

I had no idea what to do in life. I had a couple of life events, such as the death of my dad in year 11, that paved a different path to what I would have ordinarily taken. We have to be adapable to change. You can't control unexpected tragedies or things beyond your control. Get on with it, whatever 'it' is.

Did your further study or career go exactly as you'd planned?

I never went to Uni and I am happy in the path I chose, not to go.

What do you know now, that you wish you'd known when you were at Radford?

Take a load off. Relax and just be present and be freinds with everyone. You never know when you may need them in the future.

What advice do you have for current students?

Be a good human. Help everyone regardless of whether they give back or not. It makes you feel good. Grow your network. It will benefit you in different ways throughout your life. Relax, you are going to be OK. Radford will and has moulded you to be a good human and a great asset to any business.

Anything else that you would like to share?

Talk to everyone, try everything and work out what works for you and what doesn't. You got this!

Where are you now?