What does life look for you now?
I am married with three children (three who attended Radford College, and the third currently attends Radford).
Tell us what you are passionate about?
Running, listening to music and audio production.
When you were young, what were you hoping to be when you grew up?
Engineer or Human Resource Manager.
What is your favourite Radford moment?
English classes with teacher John Foulcher
Do you have a particular role model or inspirational figure from Radford or now?
Yes, John Foulcher was a great teacher.
How easy was it to decide what to do in life?
Like many others, life is about a journey. I knew some of the areas I liked to pursue, but it was a journey getting there without a clear path. If there is one skill workers need these days, it is the ability to adapt and evolve.
Did your further study or career go exactly as you'd planned?
No, but this is not a bad thing.
What do you know now, that you wish you'd known when you were at Radford?
School is a short but important part of your life. If you are struggling know that it is not forever, and take every opportunity you can.
What advice do you have for current students?
School is just the beginning.