Rewarding Connections

Life beyond Radford

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Last updated 9.10.2017

Marcus Graham

Class of 1992
Lives Canberra, Australia
Attendance at radford Years 7-12
House Banksia
Awards, medals or recognition 7-12
  • 2015 Australian Insitute of Architects Sydney Ancher Award for Residential Architecture - Lowanna Apartments Braddon
  • 1998 Australian Insitute of Architects ACT Chapter Medallion
  • 2004 Australian Institute of Architects Young Architect Award

What does life look for you now?

I have a wonderful family - my wife Angela and two girls Siena and Eva who both attend Radford Junior School.

I am director of a Canberra based architecture firm - Stewart Architecture - and we undertake projects throughout ACT and NSW. Additionally I undertake some residential property development - generally townhouse and apartment developments.

And I am fortunate to be part of the team that has completed the Radford College Master Plan and is now working on the new generation of buildings across the campus - very exciting!

Tell us what you are passionate about?

Aside from family activities I love mountain biking (mainly in the Brindabellas and other national parks) and old classic cars. And I am almost ashamed to say I also love gardening...

When you were young, what were you hoping to be when you grew up?

I definitely wanted to be a car designer.

What is your favourite Radford moment?

Year 9 camp and subsequently the Duke of Edinburgh Award (where a small group of us used to go on 5 day mountain bike rides into the bush) really got me interested in the exploring the outdoors and researching the history of the mountains around the ACT.

And more importantly - chunions. They were the 20 cent pizza-like creations available at the canteen each day. They were best slightly soft and undercooked. I still try to recreate them to this day...

Do you have a particular role model or inspirational figure from Radford or now?

As an architect I learnt a huge amount from my Radford technical drawing teacher Phil Stroh. The drawing skills I developed under Mr Stroh's guidance were not taught at University so I was well ahead in that regard and today still rely as much on the drawing board as the computer (which is quite rare but very beneficial because you actually think carefully about every line you draw). Additionally Mr Stroh maintained a nice learning environment - relaxed and humorous - and he drove a cool classic car.

How easy was it to decide what to do in life?

Once I had realised that there were too few opportunities in Australia for car design (and I didn't really want to leave Australia) architecture was a logical alternative.

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