Life beyond Radford

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Last updated 19.04.2017

Declan Butorac

Class of 2009
Lives Melbourne, Australia
Attendance at radford Years 11-12
House Karri
  • Bachelor Degree, The University of Melbourne, Atmosphere and Ocean Science, 2011-2014
  • Masters, Monash University, Environmental Management and Sustainability, 2016
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What does life look for you now?

I am currently living in Melbourne completing my Master's in Environmental Management and Sustainability. I'll be hoping to either join the workforce or begin a PhD in 2018.

Tell us what you are passionate about?

I am passionate about environmental issues, in particular finding sustainable solutions to the problems facing society in the 21st century. Outside of uni and work I still play aussie rules and cycle when I can. In 2015 I cycled from Canberra to Perth via the Top End and hope to do a similar trip overseas soon.

When you were young, what were you hoping to be when you grew up?

My family tells me when I was a child I wanted to be an AFL commentator. Seems I had no belief in my own athletic ability from a young age. In high school I wanted to be an Engineer. As I progressed through uni this changed and I completed a degree in Meteorology and Climate Science instead.

What is your favourite Radford moment?

The great Swine Flu (No one actually had Swine Flu) outbreak of 2009. The year 12s were sent home for a week because everyone was sick.

How easy was it to decide what to do in life?

It is quite easy when you think about a decision in a broader context. When you remember there is no wrong path to take in a career or life path. Having older role models and people who have made decisions and changed their path many times is comforting. It's always good to know that others have survived so you can too.

Did your further study or career go exactly as you'd planned?

Not quite. I always wanted to be an Engineer. Then at uni I switched to Meteorology and Climate Science half way through. I then changed over from Science to Arts for post-grad and am currently completing a degree in Environmental Management and Sustainability with a research thesis on Fish Conservation in Laos that is being supervised by an Economist. I find it is easier to go with the flow a bit and not put all your eggs in one basket.

What do you know now, that you wish you'd known when you were at Radford?

School is the easiest time of your life. When you leave and grow up you have a lot of responsibilities. There is rent and bills to pay. Jobs to go to. University classes to attend and an ever growing HECS debt. When you're at school it feels like you're stressed out and busy but in hindsight its the best time of your life.

What advice do you have for current students?

Don't stress the little things. Your ATAR is important but it isn't everything. Find things you enjoy learning about and keep doing that. Don't follow a path because that's what you always thought you wanted to do or that's want someone else expects you to do. It's much easier to do well at something you enjoy than something you don't.

Where are you now?