Life beyond Radford

Last updated 26.09.2018

David Green

Class of 1994
Lives Wollongong, Australia
Attendance at radford Years 7-12
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What does life look for you now?

I live amongst tall trees, by the sea with my family. We love going to the park and drinking coffee. I work in a school library and love running. Travelling is the best, as are picnics with friends. Nature and music both calm and excite me. Family (including those special friends) is the real stuff but I do worry about other things, and too much if I’m honest. I miss acting and don’t read as much as I’d like. My wife is my favourite and our kids are my everything.

What is your favourite Radford moment?

Fave Radford moment is my mum coming to see me twice in The Crucible.

Do you have a particular role model or inspirational figure from Radford or now?

George introduced me to some of my favourite bands, and I am eternally grateful. He even gifted me his Talking Heads vinyl and a LET IT BE cassette given to him by his dear Dad. Which perfectly illustrates his sentimental side which I think has influenced me too. Like him, I still like to make mixtapes & send postcards. George showed me the Australian bush & grew my love of the theatre, which remain two of my most treasured places, spaces where I feel at home. John F. had a huge hand in my love of literature (especially Australian), and words themselves. He also trusted me with challenging theatrical roles & showed me I could do it. We have a MARAT/SADE poster hung in our garage from about 26 years ago! Pat also influenced my music obsessions and my love of traveling Australia. Pat always talked to me as an equal and now I try to do that with young people I work with. He also taught me there is no correct way to dance. And wouldn’t we all like to think John L. influenced our humour?! These guys showed me the importance of male role models in education settings, and I have worked in Early Childhood and with primary students for years. Nowadays I work in an Anglican school and wear a tie everyday, again!

How easy was it to decide what to do in life?

Some decisions have been super easy, like what to study & who to marry. Job decisions have been harder - it feels like a massive risk resigning to go somewhere new. The hardest decisions for me will always be social. Yes I overthink things but those decisions matter the most to me.

Where are you now?