Life beyond Radford

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Last updated 15.05.2023

Alexander Richards

Class of 2013
OCCUPATION Executive Level 1 - Department of Communications
Lives Canberra, Australia
Attendance at radford Years 5-12
House Karri
  • Bachelor Degree, Queensland University of Technology, Psychology/Criminology
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What does life look for you now?

I work full time in the Classification Branch and am responsible for updating the classification system for films, computer games and publications. My partner and I just welcomed our first child in April this year. I spend most of my free time watching movies, playing computer games or playing sports with friends from Radford.

Tell us what you are passionate about?

Since welcoming my daughter to the world she is a big focus of my life. I am also very passionate about movies and computer games.

When you were young, what were you hoping to be when you grew up?


What is your favourite Radford moment?

Year 9 camp

Do you have a particular role model or inspirational figure from Radford or now?

No not really

How easy was it to decide what to do in life?

Not super easy, I didn't really find something I was passionate about until late in my schooling and even once at university.

Did your further study or career go exactly as you'd planned?

Yeah for the most part, it was definitely challenging but rewarding in the end.

What do you know now, that you wish you'd known when you were at Radford?

That just because you don't know exactly what you want to do or feel passionate about any subjects at school doesn't mean there aren't things you will be passionate about after school.

What advice do you have for current students?

Study hard but don't feel you need to have your life sorted by the time you finish school

Where are you now?