Lou Lou Moxam (Class of 1989) is HerCanberra’s new advice columnist
Lou Lou Moxam (Class of 1989) is HerCanberra’s new advice columnist
HerCanberra have just launched a column - Just Ask Loulou. She has been described as the Oprah of Braddon.

HerCanberra says that “she is the zanier (and more sweary) side of Canberra floral royalty Moxom and Whitney, but did you know that Loulou Moxom gives good advice?
Loulou has been itching to share her wisdom with a wider audience than just her staff (a number of whom ignore her anyway), her staffie Trooper, and her two-year-old grandson, Bear.”
So it fell upon HerCanberra to deliver you the word from on high—life and style tips from the Oprah of Braddon. And if you have any questions that only Loulou can help you with, just pop them (anonymously) here via the Google Form at the bottom of the HerCanberra article.
In the most recent article she answers questions about tattoos and parenting which will bring a smile to your face and a few giggles. It may even bring a tear to your eye.
She also shares a lovely story about her life in Yass and with her “boy friend” (really her husband she just prefer to call him her boyfriend) Dale. She shares the story of how she marries three times, has a son and daughter, and loses her third husband Jay to a brutal battle with cancer in 2011…….But how in 2012, on a whim (and still holding the photo of him in her wallet because she is sentimental like that) Loulou searches Facebook for her long lost love Dale.. and he responds within minutes.
She reported to us when we spoke to her that her favourite teacher was “Mr Rose – his beautiful accent and the way he pronounced certain words. He was such a gentleman and so very fair and patient. I don’t think I ever heard him raise his voice. He is the reason I love reading, I think of him whilst reading to my grandson”.
As they say, a picture (or two) is worth a thousand words…Loulou is such a hoot! She attended the reunion this year and caught up with many of her Radford mates.
We hope you enjoy her joyful, honest and hilarious accounts! We can all learn from Lou Lou!
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Loulou Moxom