What does life look for you now?
I'm working part time in the arts in both creative and administrative roles while completing my studies at ANU. Most of my time is dedicated to theatre, whether it's on campus, in the community theatre scene, or in a professional capacity. Based in Dickson, and liberated by bicycle, I spend most of my time around Canberra's inner north and still make it over the lake for family dinner on Sunday night.
Tell us what you are passionate about?
I am mad about theatre. A passion I discovered during my time at Radford and have nurtured over the last five years at university and beyond, theatre makes me giddy with joy, animated with anger, and satisfies my curiosity about the world around me and the people in it. I'm also a big believer in the power of young people, and have been lucky enough to work with a number of youth organisations to empower, support, and celebrate young Australians.
Did your further study or career go exactly as you'd planned?
Nope. My student self certainly wouldn't have forseen the path I've taken. First of all, I think she thought one comes after the other - study first - then start a career, which ultimately for me, is not true at all. My experiences at university and in the big wide world of employment have been concurrent and chaotic and terrifying and wonderful all at the same time. It's meant I've spent a lot longer than planned working through my degree, and reached a few more career milestones than I thought I would before graduation. I also am in a place where my career isn't focused in the same area as my study which would have deeply confused my younger self, and is actually something my present self treasures.
What do you know now, that you wish you'd known when you were at Radford?
You don't have to be who or what people expect you to be. Vulnerability is strength. Side fringes are not a timeless look.
What advice do you have for current students?
Be grateful and curious, and courageous, and kind. And don't avoid/erase your embarrassing moments - you'll treasure them in years to come.