Life beyond Radford

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Last updated 27.02.2025

Elliot McBride

Class of 2006
OCCUPATION Data Scientist
Lives Brighton, United Kingdom
Attendance at radford Years 7-12
House Boronia
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What does life look for you now?

I work at the United Nations branch in Copenhagen for UNICEF as an Innovations Specialist. This is mostly Data Science related work that helps our offices in countries where we deploy solutions. I previously spent 3 years in Pakistan doing field work with a similar UNICEF program.

Tell us what you are passionate about?

My passions are sport, travel, big data and eating. Luckily for my job, there are plenty of opportunities for all of these!

When you were young, what were you hoping to be when you grew up?

I had no idea. In a lot of ways, I'm still unsure where I will end up. Although I have learned to be less worried about that.

What is your favourite Radford moment?

All of the wonderful friendships you make. Be sure to hang on to them.

Do you have a particular role model or inspirational figure from Radford or now?

Plenty. Mr H, Mr Akhurst, Mr Crossing, Brad Luhrs, Ms Hugg. There are too many to name.

What advice do you have for current students?

Work is inevitable. Learn to love the burden.

Where are you now?