What does life look for you now?
Live and work in Canberra, I'm an active member within the automotive hobby community
Tell us what you are passionate about?
Ford enthusiast and new technologies
When you were young, what were you hoping to be when you grew up?
What is your favourite Radford moment?
Rugby Tour 2001 to Canada and USA
How easy was it to decide what to do in life?
Deciding what to do in life was somewhat different from my initial outlook. I recommend young people to explore multiple options as you cant always predict what is going to happen in the future of your chosen industry.
Did your further study or career go exactly as you'd planned?
Well I started engineering studies 1 year after graduating from Radford, at that time the engineering boom was close to its peak. I went off to work in the mines to get a closer hands on experience but at this stage the industry was changing and I came back to Canberra to study my second passion, IT.
What do you know now, that you wish you'd known when you were at Radford?
What everyone thinks of you does not matter and at the end of the day be true to yourself. Carry this through life and you will never go wrong in life.
What advice do you have for current students?
Don't take life too seriously, you will miss out on opportunities that will bring prosperity and new found interests.